Issue Brief: Protecting Life at all Stages
Protecting life at all stages
All life is valuable from the moment of conception. Life’s value is not conditional, based on usefulness or arbitrary decisions about the “quality of life.” It is inherent, rooted in the creation of human life in God’s image and likeness. Our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, expresses clearly that all of mankind is equally granted the unalienable right to Life by our Creator. This basic right is daily denied to thousands of babies through the violence of abortion. The government has a duty to protect — a duty that they have failed to fulfill. We must stand in the gap for the vulnerable who are unable to advocate for themselves.
Active Legislation
Pregancy Centers Bullied in the Legislature
Delaware allows abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy (SB5, 2017), AND passed a bill into law this year to require Delaware taxpayers to pay for it (HB110). As if
Planned Parenthood Closed
Prayer closes the doors of Seaford’s Planned Parenthood! A small group of Christ-followers, committed to prayer, discipleship, and action, have turned the tide in their community. When Planned Parenthood opened
Will DE Governor Sign Taxpayer Funded Abortion?
Two months after the end of session, the bill to legalize taxpayer funded abortion in Delaware (HB 110) was finally released to the governor for signature. HB 110, the bill
- The Most Important Question about Abortion
- Top 10 Myths About Abortion
- Planned Parenthood Admits Its Focus is Abortion
- Abortion is the Biggest Killer of Black Lives
- The Truth About Abortion
- A Tragic Day in New York: Abortion Now Legal Until Birth
- Do Preborn Babies Feel Pain?
- The Long-Term Physical Risks of Abortion
- It’s No Myth: Studies, Documents Say Abortion Can Cause Infertility, Miscarriage
- Women Deserve Better Than Abortion
- US Abortion Statistics