Article Archive

DE Young Adult Leaders Are Taking Territory
This year marked DFPC’s 10th Delaware Leadership Congress (DLC), and the largest Academy yet. That’s a HUGE WIN that has taken years of perseverance. Remember, DLC isn’t a summer camp. Our students range in age from 16-25. We’ve been intentionally training the next leaders who will take key positions in their communities, and they’re doing it! A few of our alumni students traveled to Texas to experience the National Congress at the brand new campus for

2025 Summit: Save the Date!
The 2025 Summit falls on the same day as the National Day of Prayer – May 1st, 2025. The Summit is the annual gathering for Delaware’s church and education leaders, legislators, parents, students, and influencers. The event fills quickly – you won’t want to miss it. The 2025 focus will be on protecting children. I’m sure you’re hearing it everywhere – even the media is recognizing that the election results are an overwhelming demand for

Election Results: Delaware Did What?
There’s a huge lesson here – The landslide election results represent a unified rejection of the Left’s woke ideology – except in Delaware. Perhaps you’ve already seen the national headlines about Delaware? While the nation raged towards a massive course correction, the voters in Delaware elected Sarah McBride as the first transgender person to serve in the U.S. Congress. Perhaps this photo will help that reality sink in… Representative Sarah McBride reading a children’s book

Endorsements: Why They Matter
There are candidates running for local office who are sponsored by a far-left, Marxist organization – the Working Families Party. This is not simply a small organization. This is an actual political party, with a platform, members, and funding. This Marxist party endorsed 11 of the candidates for DE House of Representatives. This is not the only organization to be aware of. Planned Parenthood, Democratic Socialists of America, and the Delaware Stonewall PAC are also

Pregancy Centers Bullied in the Legislature
Delaware allows abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy (SB5, 2017), AND passed a bill into law this year to require Delaware taxpayers to pay for it (HB110). As if that’s not radical enough, Senator Kyle Evans Gay – the Democrat candidate for Lt. Governor – is running on abortion as her platform! NO! Abortion is NOT healthcare! We reject that lie from hell 1000%. Abortion is redefined as “healthcare” in Delaware law, and there
Planned Parenthood Closed
Prayer closes the doors of Seaford’s Planned Parenthood! A small group of Christ-followers, committed to prayer, discipleship, and action, have turned the tide in their community. When Planned Parenthood opened a state-of-the-art surgical center in the middle of Seaford 3 years ago, these everyday pro-life folks chose not to stay silent and apathetic, but to pray together every time the doors of the clinic were open. Their prayers were answered! Since the beginning of September,