Because we’re committed to stand boldly for the cause of protecting LIFE in Delaware from conception to natural death, we need to inform you about a development that is deeply concerning.
Assisted Suicide and COVID19: Here’s what’s happening…
During this pandemic, Christiana Care, the largest hospital in Delaware, published a policy document, signed by two of the hospital’s top physicians, labeled as, “Guidance Regarding Code Status Determination during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The document states:
“Consistent with the above referenced Christiana Care policy, an attending physician is not obligated to offer or to provide CPR if resuscitative treatment would be medically non-beneficial, even at the request of a patient or legally authorized representative.”
Can you see the problem here?
Who is making the decision to not resuscitate based on the value of someone’s life? Right, it’s the doctor.
What is also deeply troubling is this part… “even at the request of the patient or legally authorized representative”!
Can you imagine?
COVID19 has taken the lives of thousands of seasoned adults across the country. Those in assisted living and elder care facilities have been affected most. It’s heartbreaking! This Christiana Care policy allows a doctor to make a value judgment on the life an individual. How is this not euthanasia?
The value of life is under attack!
If this concerns you too, please support our efforts to identify and inform about issues like this in Delaware.
We’ve pushed back the effort to legalize assisted suicide in Delaware each year for the past 3 years. We fully expect a new bill to be introduced again in January. The war is far from over.
Will you help stop this march towards assisted suicide in our state?
Be sure to talk to candidates for public office about this issue. Ask for their position on assisted suicide. Educate them on what it means to be on the side of Life from conception to natural death.
As elected officials, they will need to hear the truth. They will need your prayers and your questions. Are you willing to stand with us?