Strong Families...
Everything Education Government Economy Culture

Our Vision:

For Delaware to be a state where God is honored, families thrive, religious freedom flourishes, and life is cherished.

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Our Mission


Rebuilding a culture of life, marriage, family, and religious Freedom

A strong culture is a result of strong families. Family values are shaped through media, education, and the church. We come alongside Christian schools and churches throughout our state as they fulfill their role of creating a strong culture based on a biblical worldview.


Advocating for it through public policy and stewardship of government

We provide updates on the decisions that our government officials make that affect the values of life, marriage, family, and religious freedom. We provide tools for constituents to cultivate relationship with their government officials and can influence their decisions toward a Biblical worldview. We also provide information on the positions of potential government officials so that people can make an informed voting decision.


Cultivating effective and courageous leaders rooted in a christian worldview

The young people of today will be leading this country tomorrow, whether in government, media, education, the church, their families, the entertainment industry, or business. They will shape the culture of the next generation. We provide intentional training tools for the young people in our state, equipping them with the Biblical foundation and critical thinking skills necessary to lead well in the sphere to which God calls them.



Never underestimate the influence and impact that one well equipped, strategically placed leader can have on the world around them. Investing in and equipping leaders with resources, training, and tools to be effective in their area of influence is at the core of what we are doing to impact the culture, our laws, and public policy in Delaware.

Annual Pastors & Leaders Summit

The Summit brings together Christian influencers throughout Delaware to be resourced, equipped, and inspired to rebuild a culture where God is honored and religious freedom flourishes.



We partner with our base and with allied government officials to promote family-affirming policies, and we equip our base to be informed and active in influencing the policies of our government toward a Biblical worldview. (Learn More button that leads to government page)


Citizen Action Network

Equipping Everyday People To Act When It Matters Most..

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Patriot Academy

The Legislative process provides the perfect leadership laboratory to teach the Principles, Strategies, & Skills young people need to lead their generation and our Nation with character and courage!

Annual Pastors & Leaders Action Network

Delaware’s Church Ambassador Network (CAN) is a gospel focused effort to unite the Pastors in Delaware to pray with and for state elected officials. It’s a non-partisan coalition of Delaware Pastors who are committed to being ambassadors of the church to those in the sphere of government. A Church Ambassador commits to intentionally cultivating relationships with elected officials throughout the year, as well as effectively engaging and influencing the post-Christian culture in which we live.


Freedom Educators Network

Designed for Christian education professionals who want to know their rights, and how to live out their convictions in public education. Freedom Educators provides expert counsel from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and Christian Educators Association (CEA), as well as  resources from Gateways to Better Education.

Educators Summit

Designed for Christian education professionals who want to know their rights, and how to live out their convictions in public education. The Educators Summit features attorneys and specialists from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and Christian Educators Association (CEAI), as well as valuable resources from Gateways to Better Education. 


Did we win?

On Thursday, August 1st, the Delaware Supreme Court handed down their decision in Hines & Landow v. Carney.  Attorney Stephen J. Neuberger of

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Take Action On Issues That Matter

Rebuilding the culture starts with you. Get informed and take action on these campaigns to start making a difference today. Click any campaign to learn more.


Our Issues


“Human Life is Sacred and must be protected from conception to natural death”

We believe life is "Endowed by our Creator" and is "inalienable." We believe human life is sacred and it is our most fundamental duty as a society to protect it in all forms and at all stages from conception to natural death.

Marriage & Family

“helping families thrive is the Purpose Of Public Policy and the only reliable measurement of a healthy society.“

Strong, healthy culture, is the direct result of strong families, and the bedrock of strong families is a healthy marriage. The most important role of public policy is to strengthen and support the family as the primary cornerstone of civil society. All of human civilization rests on this primary institution.

Religious Liberty

“Religious Liberty is at the core of who we are as a nation.”

Religious freedom is more than the ‘freedom to worship’ at a synagogue, church, or mosque. It means people shouldn’t have to go against their core values and beliefs in order to conform to culture or government. Religious freedom protects people’s right to live, speak, and act according to their beliefs peacefully and publicly. It protects their ability to be themselves at work, in class, and at social activities. Efforts to repress religious freedom is not just an attack on individual liberty and human dignity, but on the very foundation that has made America strong.

Parental Rights

Parents possess an exclusive, fundamental right, to direct the upbringing of their children.

We believe parents have the right to make decisions regarding their children's education and upbringing without government interference, except in cases of abuse or neglect. Shockingly, this is quickly becoming a controversial issue. For example, in 2018 the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE), bowing to the extreme political agenda of the radical left, attempted to pass a regulation forcing all parents to give their children a choice to change their gender or race (starting in kindergarten), without the paernt's consent, or even knowledge.

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