23-24 Session in Review

June 30th marked the end of the Legislative year and the last day of a two-year Legislative Session.

It began with the chaos of protestors loudly chanting in the lobby, “free Palestine!” and calling for an Israeli ceasefire, while Senators stood at the doors to block entry.

The day continued with all of the ideologies and worldviews we’ve seen all year heavily on display as bills passed and failed.

Senator Richardson introduced a resolution for a task force that would study the breakdown of the nuclear family. The opposition from the Democrat legislators was immediate, and the resolution failed. It was a perfect representation of the worldview that is prevailing in government and education institutions.

During the discussion for this resolution, Senator McBride commented that words matter and that we take cues from how the sponsor intends for those words to inform the mission of the legislation itself.

To that point, we wholeheartedly agree! Words matter, the intent of bill sponsors matter, and the redefinition of words matter.

As you read the bills below, notice the words that were redefined this Session.

Notice the relentless attacks on the family and the dismissal of the value of life. Notice the bills that put us on high alert because of the known worldview of its sponsors. 

💯 Remember this: Government is God’s idea. He meant for us to be involved in this arena. Otherwise, there is no righteous standard being exemplified, debated, or advanced. Our salvation is not in government. We are called to steward our government, and in every situation to advance truth.

Despite the negative bills presented, truth was advanced this session!

  • For the first time, through the discussions surrounding HB 140, the assisted suicide bill, the Senate heard truth advanced, the dangers of this legislation powerfully communicated, and the importance of protecting the vulnerable. Click here to ask the Governor to veto HB 140!
  • The Church Ambassador Network team of pastors, following the lead of Director Jonathan Quatela, were consistently present at Legislative Hall. They hosted Bible studies and prayed with both Democrat and Republican legislators, who consistently expressed their gratitude for the presence and prayers of these pastors.
  • Our allied legislators advanced truth with research and preparation for many of these bills, standing firm even in opposition and sometimes vitriol.
  • The bill targeting pregnancy care centers (SB 300) strengthened, sharpened, and unified the many pro-life leaders in Delaware who are each protecting the preborn and supporting families in their unique lanes. The pregnancy center directors advanced truth in both the House and the Senate as they delivered solid and effective testimonies to the incredible work they do for our communities. Click here to ask the Governor to veto SB 300!
  • One of the worst bills this session and in the nation – the bill that would have made DE a sanctuary state for gender transition of minor children and vulnerable adults – Did Not Pass! Because of those who took action and spread the word about this dangerous bill, it created room for it to be questioned and defeated. 

As you read through the bills this session, be encouraged that God is in control, and used our team to plant and water seeds of Truth throughout Legislative Hall and the state.


To see previous updates from this session, go back to DelawareFamilies.org/LegislativeUpdates. Make sure you are Subscribed there as well to receive alerts when the new Session starts in January.  Read the Session Review or click the links below to see the bills we followed over the 2023-24 Session, organized by issue. The bills as the top of each link are the most recent ones.

In His Truth,

Nandi Randolph
Policy Analyst
Delaware Family Policy Council

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