now They want you to pay for abortions in DE... Even at 9 months of Pregnancy!

Stand Up To This Evil, Will You?

Ask Your Representative to Vote NO on HB110!

Act Now: Proposed Law Forces DE Taxpayers to Fund ALL abortions…up to 9th month of pregnancy!

7 Effective Questions to Ask Your Representative

Customize your message below with one or two of these questions:

1. Is killing children healthcare?

  • Dismembering a child is not healthcare. 
  • Lethally injecting a child in the brain is not healthcare.
  • Purposefully stopping a child’s heart is not healthcare.

2. Why is the state prioritizing the killing of babies above funding other life-giving ob/gyn services?

  • Insurance code does not cover other life giving ob/gyn services without cost sharing…is the priority truly “reproductive healthcare,” or is it simply to increase the number of abortions in Delaware?

3. Are self-insured / private insurers required to cover abortions?

  • HB 110 requires all insurance providers to fully cover abortions but are the self-insured and private insurers included in HB 110? This question was asked but never answered.

4. Planned Parenthood already claims to fund abortions for low-income women…why do we need this bill?

  • Their website says, “We’ll never turn you away from the care you need because of your inability to pay.” If that claim is true, the funding Planned Parenthood already receives makes HB 110 wholly unnecessary.

5. Who gets to decide which “religious convictions” are “genuine” objections to abortion… and which are not?

  • HB 110 makes religious employers open for a lawsuit for not paying for an abortion.
  • At first glance, it seems that the bill allows religious employers to opt out of covering for abortions. 
  • …But this only applies to “bona fide” / “genuine” religious convictions… Who gets to decide which religious convictions are genuine and which are not?

6. Why is HB 110 so broad and lacking specific definitions? 

  • How does this bill affect minors? Are they covered on their parents’ insurance, and would they be notified?
  • Are late-term abortions covered? The bill does not specify a gestational age limit.
  • What happens to babies who survive abortion attempts? Does this bill cover medical support for babies? Or what about mothers who require emergency intervention after a botched abortion?

7. Does HB110 cover the extremely dangerous “DIY” chemical abortions that make up over half of the abortions in Delaware? 

  • The pill has already been attributed to over 4000 injuries that have been reported, including deaths; on top of that, the FDA recently relaxed the regulations that were intended to protect the mother, making the pills even more dangerous.
  • Will HB 110 cover mothers who need follow-up emergency intervention after  botched abortions?
  • What about babies who survive abortion attempts? Does this bill cover medical support for those babies?


Fill out the form below to send a petition to your elected officials. Don’t forget to mention HB 110 in the subject line.

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