What You Need to Know:
The following summary consists of bills we've highlighted that are specific to our focus, expertise, and interests, or made it to our watch list.
- To view the actual bill language or see who is sponsoring it, the bill title is linked for your convenience.
- Bills are listed in numerical order by chamber.
- The color coding for bills is as follows:
Bill statuses will be listed as follows:
- PASSED = Both chambers voted in favor (** If it has only passed one chamber, which one will be notated 'PASSED the House.').
- SIGNED = Both chambers voted in favor AND the Governor has signed the bill.
- DEFEATED = The bill did not receive enough votes in either one or both chambers.
- In COMMITTEE = The bill hasn't been heard yet, but has been filed and assigned to a particular committee.
- TABLED = The bill began the process of being heard in that committee or chamber, but was set aside to no longer be considered (** Where the bill was tabled will be notated, 'TABLED in the House.').
- On READY LIST = Passed the committee and waiting to be heard on the floor (** which chamber it is coming from will be notated 'On the Senate READY LIST.').
** LATEST Bills and Updates **
Bill Status: PASSED
After years of working and reworking the bill, Rep. Paul Baumbach has been successful in getting HB 140 passed. It was met with resistance in both the House and Senate, but not enough to stop it.
In the end, all House Republicans voted against the bill, except Rep. Kevin Hensley. There were also four Democrats in the House that were absent on the vote, all of which have either previously been opposed or on the fence.
Once the bill made it to the Senate, all Republicans voted against it and were joined by four Democrats. As one Democrat, Sen. Kyra Hoffner, decided to not cast a vote, the bill failed. A procedural maneuver by Sen. Bryan Townsend allowed the bill to be able to come to the floor again.
It was a very emotionally heated back and forth by some of the Senators, but they all stood fast to their positions. Then there was the one vote by Sen. Hoffner. Rather than not voting this time, she tearfully voted yes. Her vote gave the bill what it needed to pass.
Click HERE to ask Governor Carney to veto HB 140.
Assisted suicide says that life is not inherently valuable. It says killing is compassionate and gives doctors the final say on which lives are worth living – which is why no disability groups support HB 140.
Right now, HB 140 says you have the “choice” to take your life when it is “no longer worth living.” This is what constitutes suicide, it reaches the same dilemma; life is not worth living.
The sanitized view of suicide that HB 140 presents will change the ethos – the culture – of medical care in Delaware. It easily leads to people feeling pressured to end their life.
Once a governing body has the authority to decide if and when your life is not worth living, Pandora’s box of death is opened. It just keeps pushing the boundaries – exactly what we see happening in other countries.
“While the current laws in the USA specifically prevent voluntary euthanasia [doctors administering lethal drugs to patients], the “slippery slope” is real; and in every country where similar [assisted suicide] laws were challenged, the courts have ruled that voluntary euthanasia had to be allowed also. …”
Testimony of Neil S. Kaye, MD, DLFAPA
“Physicians are terrible at predicting death. At 6 months out, fewer than 33% of predictions end up being correct. HB 140 relies on the physician informing patients of their life expectancy. If we can’t do that with even a 50% accuracy (monkeys flipping quarters,) how can we be asked to help a patient decide to commit suicide instead of seeking additional treatment or compassionate palliative care?”
— Testimony of Neil S. Kaye, MD, DLFAPA
Doctors are not trained to kill!
The medical duty is to protect life. The oath they take when they begin practicing includes the phrase, “do no harm.” Assisted suicide is the exact opposite of that training and oath.
Assisted suicide is not simply alleviating pain, it is causing certain death. This is not compassion, it’s assisting in suicide.
Suicide is not healthcare. Our medical system should focus on aid in living – not aid in dying.
“The myth that physicians can provide a speedy and pain free death needs to be confronted with the reality of the evidence. … We are trained to heal, not to harm, and certainly not to kill. The American “experiment” [with assisted suicide], begun in Oregon, and wrongly adopted by a minority of other states, shows that the average time to death is 2-3 hours, but has been as long as 140 hours. 10% of these people vomit up the drugs they took, 2% awaken from their comas, and 33% took 30 hours to die.”
— Testimony of Neil S. Kaye, MD, DLFAPA
Bill Status: PASSED
We knew from the bills filed at the end of last session that the goal is for abortion to be as easy as possible to access, without any limits, and now… to make us pay for it. That’s what HB 110 does!
HB 110 would force Delaware taxpayers to fund abortion on demand through insurance. It removes cost-sharing requirements, which means that insurance will be required to fully cover the abortion. OB/GYN services aren’t even covered to this extent – the progressive Left is pushing insatiably for the death of our preborn!
Supporters of the bill claim that it is no more than an insurance bill, and not abortion.
Here’s the thing – HB 110’s premise is that abortion is healthcare, and therefore taxpayers must fund it to achieve healthcare “equity.” (Whenever you see “equity,” think “socialism.”)
“Healthcare equity” is the reason this bill was proposed.
Repeat this often; people need to hear it…
The hearings confirmed once again that abortion is the top priority for our Democrat-controlled legislature.
- Why are we funding the murder of the preborn, when not even childbirth is funded by the state?
- If Delaware is comfortable with forcing taxpayers to fund abortion – which is both “elective” and violates the conscience and convictions of many – what other procedures would our state require us to fund?
Whenever the issue of abortion is on the table, we must push firmly against the narrative with truth.
Bill Status: In COMMITTEE
Senator Bryant Richardson leads the charge on this bill every year. It is a very simple piece of legislation and would require that medical personnel offer their patients the opportunity to see their ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat prior to the abortion procedure.
Opposition says this is to shame the mother. However, if abortion is basic healthcare, as proponents like to refer to it, what is there to be ashamed about?
The truth is, many women have failed to receive just that, the truth. Not every woman fully understands the stages of development her unborn child is in at the time of their abortion decision. Popular culture has told women that their babies are simply clumps of cells, and an abortion is as simple as a tooth extraction.
That’s not true! The baby has its own heartbeat as early as 22 days after conception. From conception, the child in the womb is living and distinctly different from the mother.
Nothing about SB 317 prohibits abortion; it simply makes the offering of an ultrasound required. The mother is free to deny that ultrasound. If choice truly is the goal, why not allow mothers to have the choice of an ultrasound?
In another hearing for SB 300, the bill attacking pregnancy care centers, it was mentioned multiple times that all the legislators care about is ensuring women receive transparency and are able to make informed decisions about the care they receive. If that claim were true, passing a bill like SB 317 would be a no-brainer. Unfortunately, those claims were a farce.
It was made very clear that women are not allowed the respect of true informed consent, when this bill never even made it out of committee.
Bill Status: PASSED
Despite the initial intent of the bill being to provide women transparency, the truth was plainly stated when it was heard in the House committee. SB 300 boils down to an argument between pro-life and pro-abortion. This tells us that the support of this bill is not about the proposed transparency it would not actually provide, but about making life the choice less likely to be taken. Again, we see an outright obsession with abortion.
Pregnancy care centers in Delaware already offer disclosures about the services that they do not provide. They are not hiding the fact that they do not perform abortions. They provide intake patients with information to make sure they find an obstetrician and obtain prenatal care. The permission-based care of the pregnancy care centers has no intention of misleading women, but ensures that they are provided with factual & comprehensive information and resources.
Senator Kyle Evan Gay, the bill sponsor and candidate for Lt. Governor, kept repeating that her bill just requires a simple sign. It’s not just a sign, however. When the California Legislature attempted to enforce this same size, the Supreme Court found it to be unconstitutional.
The unconstitutional and unnecessary nature of SB 300 failed to stop Legislators as they passed the bill in a nearly complete party split. The only Democrat to vote against the bill was Rep. Sean Matthews, while two others were absent.
Bill Status: PASSED
Colleges in Delaware, like the University of Delaware (UD), already offer some abortion pills. UD even goes as far as to have a vending machine to dispense planB pills after health center hours. This flippant provision of chemical abortion pills is not enough, apparently.
The Legislature’s obsession with abortion continues as SB 301 passed both chambers. The bill requires all colleges/universities with a health center on campus to make provisions to offer abortion prescriptions. Since it specifically targets the schools that have health centers, SB 301 does not apply to those without them like Goldey-Beacom.
This distinction of health centers is one we’ll want to keep our eyes on. It has been stated before that abortion access is not provided in K-12 schools. We’ve warned about the probability and ease of potential access in the past, but the foundation is further established with SB 301. Many of our K-12 already have health centers that have the ability to offer “reproductive health, provision of contraceptives,”etc. The scope of practice for who can prescribe abortion pills was expanded in 2022, a list that includes medical personnel that would also be employed by SBHCs. If prescriptions for abortion are not already happening at the K-12 level, SB 301 is proof that the requirement to do so can simply be based on the presence of a health center.
Bill Status: PASSED
Even those who support IVF should recognize that it requires oversight and accountability.
There have been quite a number of ethical concerns with IVF over the years, some because of unsanctioned practices by doctors, others simply because of unanswered questions of the rights of the baby at the embryonic stage. These are not issues to take lightly.
Notably, the coverage of HB 374 is set to go towards ‘reproductive health services.’ Rather than using language that speaks directly to its nature, IVF procedures, it uses a much more broad phrasing. Why is that?🤔 To check out how this bill is directly related to the gender transition bill, HB 346, take a look at one of the weekly legislative updates.
Bill Status: HOUSE Ready List
Within the Christian community, there are those that completely disagree with capital punishment. There are also those that agree with it. Both sides tend to have Scriptural references to offer as proposed support.
Regardless of where you stand on this line, knowing that it will be voted on at the constitutional level is important.
It’s also valuable to point out the hypocrisy of many of the sponsors of this bill. Many of the sponsors who do not agree with the death penalty of the criminal, in the event that there might be an actual innocent, are fully supportive of the death penalty for the wholly innocent preborn child in the womb. Many of these sponsors also voted for assisted suicide, effectively giving the death penalty to the sufferer rather than actually targeting their suffering.
Bill Status: PASSED
Sanctity of Life Sunday fell on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade this year — January 22nd. 2023 marks 50 years since the dreadful decision that has resulted in over 64 million lives lost. Thousands rallied at the March for Life in DC, while others gathered locally for prayer on the sidewalks near clinics.
Last year’s Supreme Court decision Dobbs v. Jackson sent the question of abortion back to the states.
Ignoring that decision, Delaware Democrats decided to memorialize the 50th anniversary of Roe and declare abortion as an “essential human right” in House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 2. As a reminder, resolutions are not bills, but statements of what the legislature collectively values.
According to Democrat majority in the Legislature, preborn human babies deserve zero recognition or rights.
Bill Status: PASSED
While celebrating the ability to kill babies in one breath, the DE Legislature also decided to discuss maternal health.
This resolution touted “systemic racism and implicit bias” as reasons for disproportionately affected numbers of “black and brown women.” Such strong statements need to be substantiated. Not every correlation proves causation.
If the issue truly were about maternal health, then bills like SB 108 (2021) requiring that every mother be offered an ultrasound would have passed. And, legislation like HB 31 (2021), which removed criminal liability from an abortionist if the mother dies, would NOT have passed. End 👏🏾 of 👏🏾 discussion👏🏾.
Bill Status: SIGNED
Earlier this year, Medicaid coverage for doula services went into effect. HB 345 expands that to require Medicaid coverage of additional postpartum coverage as recommended.
In criticism of HB 110, taxpayer-funded abortion, it has been easily recognized that the desire to ensure coverage has been improperly skewed to favor abortion-related services. Even though it fails to receive all the fanfare and fiscal provisions created for abortion through HB 110, HB 345 steps in the right direction by creating support for an area that recognizes the preborn.
Bill Status: PASSED
The day before the Session ended in 2022, Sen. Kyle Evans Gay filed a bill to enshrine the right to abortion directly in Delaware’s Constitution. So close to the end of Session, there was no way that the bill would pass. When the Session ended we wrote about it being a message for what her plans were for the next term.
Seeking to place abortion directly in the Constitution was a signal of how dedicated Sen. Gay is to the expansion of abortion; HB 232 is yet another example. SB 232 forces taxpayers to pay for yet another form of abortion, so-called emergency contraception, along with contraception in general.
What will it take for the Legislature to have this much fervor to support life instead?
Bill Status: PASSED
As a concurrent resolution, there is no actual “law” being passed, but merely a recognition of a joint value held by the Legislature.
The most crucial line in this entire resolution – the reason it is marked green – says, “…children experiencing foster care are resilient and worthy of a life full of hopes and dreams…”
Yes! ALL CHILDREN – from conception – regardless of their circumstances – are Image-bearers of their Creator, and their life ought to be celebrated.
Fostering, adopting, and rescuing the preborn from the atrocity of abortion are all ways that Christ-followers can affirm the value of life and bring gospel redemption to even broken situations.
May our state remember this vote and the words in it.
Bill Status: SIGNED
HB 65 manipulates words in a way that sounds great and makes you question the reality of what it’s really about. This is gaslighting.
There is a war on words and truth!
HB 65 gives 5 days of bereavement to state employees after a miscarriage, a diagnosis that negatively impacts pregnancy, and yes, abortion.
No, the word abortion isn’t used in this bill. But it mentions “loss of pregnancy including termination regardless if medically necessary.” That, folks, is an elective abortion.
Planned Parenthood tells us that “the abortion pill is really safe and effective” and “serious, long-term emotional problems after an abortion are rare.”
If all this is true, why are progressive legislators now advocating for extra time off to mourn an abortion?
Here’s what’s really happening – the Democrat majority plans to introduce a taxpayer funded abortion bill. This bill, HB 65, will allow for paid time off to allow women to access the taxpayer funded abortion as easily as possible.
Bill Status: PASSED
Be aware that HB 70 will eliminate the death penalty in Delaware. Delaware’s death penalty was for pre-meditated murder; those who murdered children, the elderly, pregnant women, and law enforcement officers; and other specific instances.
HB 70 would eliminate the death penalty for these crimes; life sentencing will still be permissible. As Christians, our Biblical worldview informs our positions on issues. HERE is a link from Prison Fellowship for your consideration on this issue.
This was not the only bill this Session to end the death penalty, but is the only one to pass. The major difference in the bills is the piece of law that it alters. While HB 301 placed the prohibition of the death penalty directly in the Delaware Constitution, HB 70 removes it from where it exists in Title 11.
Bill Status: PASSED Senate
The National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) sponsors an annual celebration of “Week of the Young Child.” SCR 24 joins in with NAEYC to do so.
The resolution recognizes that the years from birth to 8 years are foundational in a child’s life for his or her success in school and later in life.
Yes, we should celebrate the “young child” and the great potential each holds. Let’s not ignore that the child’s value and potential extends all the way back to the moment of conception.
Bill Status: SIGNED
Several states participate in a federally funded initiative to give financial support to individuals who foster their relatives. Allowing children to be fostered by relatives provides them with a more comfortable foster care situation.
SJR 1 is a recommendation for Delaware to join the other states that are part of this federal program.
Bill Status: SIGNED
A few months after the bill to provide bereavement for miscarriage and abortion, HB 65, passed the House, SB 61 was filed.
Unlike HB 65, SB 61 focuses solely on school employees. It is also strictly a bill regarding actual bereavement. It expands and clarifies who qualifies as a family member eligible for bereavement leave, extends the amount of personal time off from 3 to 5 days, and prohibits the employer from asking the reason for leave, ensuring that denial is only for operational reasons.
Bill Status: SIGNED
SB 81 says “if any action for wrongful death, punitive damages may be awarded only if it is found that the death was maliciously intended or was the result of reckless, willful or wanton misconduct.”
We must ask, how would this apply to women who die because of the reckless conduct of an abortionist? HB 31 signed into law in 2021 prevented any such actions from being brought against an abortionist in the event of a woman’s death. Does SB 81 override this?
It is also worth considering the many cases currently being brought by detransitioners, counting their doctors’ actions as ‘reckless, willful or wanton misconduct,’ especially as it relates to transitioning a minor. Could a transitioned person who regretted their surgery to the point of suicide, or who died in the process of a botched surgery, have a legitimate case with SB 81?
Ultimately, the definition of what is considered ‘reckless, willful or wanton misconduct’ in SB 81 will be defined by the court.
Bill Status: On House READY LIST
Most people are familiar with advanced care directives and their role in the last days of many individuals. Essentially, if a patient decides ahead of time that they do not want to be resuscitated or issued any life-saving procedures, but to die of natural causes or whatever ailment they have, they are able to state such ahead of times and have medical professionals honor their wishes.
An advanced care directive is not the same as assisted suicide or euthanasia that are forcefully ending the life prematurely through a deadly prescription dosage. It simply says, if a person is in the process of dying, that they would rather let the process happen naturally without additional intervention.
SB 195 is to provide a more streamlined way of knowing what patients’ have an advanced care directive by creating a medical registry of sorts. This helps patients in the event that they are treated by a doctor or medical professional that is not their own for one reason or another.
As basic as an advanced care directive sounds, there are concerns as to how proponents for assisted suicide may use the proposed methodology of an electronic advanced care directive to further propose the issue of assisted suicide. There is no mention of such a situation in this bill, but something to be aware of as a current law while watching the proposed laws regarding the issue.