HB 275 – Where is the Line Drawn?

I thought you’d want to know about this. Why? Because of where it’s leading us.

Last week I sat in the committee hearing for House Bill 275, which would add “Asexual” and “Pansexual” to the definition for sexual orientation through Delaware Code. I’m imagining you’re thinking, “What does that even mean??” Right?

“Asexual” means not sexually attracted to anyone, while “pansexual” is sexual attraction to anyone, regardless of their gender or “gender identity”.

Representative Eric Morrison (D-27, Bear/Middletown area) and his colleagues claim that these sexual orientations need special protection in Delaware law.

Will we be expected to continue adding more “protections” as culture dictates? You and I both know the answer to that… YES.

My comments, the only testimony in opposition to HB 275, were short and pointed. I asked, “Where is the line drawn? The list of sexual orientations continues to grow.”

In February, legislators in a Kentucky committee hearing discussed whether a bill intended to protect children from pedophiles would negatively impact “Minors Attracted Persons” (aka “MAPS”). Around the same time, a Georgia bill (HB 1361) that banned AI-generated child pornography included an exception if that pornography was “authorized” by a “licensed medical practitioner or psychiatrist.”

This is important because it tells us that culture is becoming more open to accepting pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation, rather than recognizing it as the despicable crime that it is.

While Rep. Morrison made clear that my testimony had offended him, calling my remarks “inflammatory”, “ludicrous,” and “insulting,” the point still stands. Where’s the line?

What “sexual orientations” will we be expected to legitimize and validate next?!

Our conversation only grew more intense after the hearing. Others witnessed it. I stayed calm, and held my ground.


The facts don’t change just because someone is offended. Here are the facts:

1. Anything outside of God’s standard for sexuality is inaccurate and causes harm.

Why is legislation like this being introduced? As crazy as bills like HB 275 or even the discussion surrounding “MAPs” may seem, they are simply the logical extension of a worldview with no moral absolutes. If there is no defined right and wrong for gender and sexuality, literally anything goes.

“They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.” Ephesians 4:19

Absolute standards are like guardrails; they protect, and when they are removed, and anything is acceptable, people are hurt. God’s design for sexuality is clear, and it’s for our flourishing.

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’ And He said, ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Matthew 19:4-6

2. This is a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12).

Behind the anger and frustration of legislators like Rep. Morrison, there is often deep hurt, pain and confusion. This is why we MUST pray, consistently and earnestly, for our legislators (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

Imagine if each legislator had an army of prayer warriors in churches from their district specifically praying for them by name on a weekly basis?

This is why we started the Tenacious Prayer Warriors (TPW) initiative – two people committed to pray for one hour a week for their specific public servants, by name. If you attend a bible-believing church, and want to join the action, let us know; reply to this email.

We’re in Legislative Hall full time, analyzing the legislation that affects our families, faith, and freedom, as well as sharing the Gospel and discipling those in government. Our state desperately needs this.

We are there because of support from people like you. Will you consider a making a gift today to support this needed work?

In His Truth,

Nandi Randolph
Policy Analyst
Delaware Family Policy Council

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