HCR 5 | Maternal Health Awareness Day


Rep. K. Smith

Additional Sponsors

Rep. Bush, Rep. Evelyn Harris, Rep. Gorman, Rep. Griffith, Rep. Heffernan, Rep. Hilovsky, Rep. Johnson, Rep. Jones Giltner, Rep. Minor-Brown, Rep. Moore, Rep. Morrison, Rep. Neal, Rep. Ross Levin, Sen. Hansen, Sen. Hoffner, Sen. Huxtable, Sen. Lockman, Sen. Mantzavinos, Sen. Pinkney, Sen. Poore, Sen. Richardson, Sen. Townsend, Sen. Wilson



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Summary: As a reminder, a resolution is not a law; it is a statement that indicates the collective priorities and values of the legislature. House Concurrent Resolution 5 acknowledges the tragic reality of mothers who lose their lives in childbirth.

Analysis: This resolution is a somber reminder of the profound sacrifice that some mothers have made, giving their life for the new one that they brought into the world. However, this recognition is undermined by contradiction. Many of the same legislators who support this resolution also voted for a bill last session to relabel “maternal depression,” an issue unique to women, as “perinatal mood and anxiety disorder.” How can we truly honor mothers—women who bring children into the world—while simultaneously erasing the distinctions that define their role?

Men and women are inherently different. That is an undeniable fact. It is through these differences that we recognize and respect their unique contributions—most notably, the ability of women to conceive and give birth.

Let us continue to celebrate mothers for who they are, rather than diminish their recognition by disregarding the fundamental differences between genders.


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