Join us as we make abortion unthinkable in Delaware, one heart at a time.
Life Post-Roe
We are on mission to help the people of Delaware understand this truth.
Recognizing the inherent dignity of human life is foundational to a person’s worldview. It is up to us to have the hard conversations, and share the truth about the evil and violence of abortion.
The government is deciding that not all humans have rights. In contrast, the Bible teaches that people have inherent and unalterable dignity and worth as God’s Image-Bearers (Gen. 1:26-27, Psalm 139:13-14, James 3:9-10).
It is up to each of us to continue to change hearts and minds, to recognize, affirm, and live by the fact that all people are created equal, endowed by their Creator with the right to life.
Use the videos, articles, and books below to prepare you to advance truth in the hearts and minds of those in your sphere of influence.
A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center
316 East Main Street
Middletown, DE 19709
A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center
3407 Lancaster Pike, Suite B
Wilmington, DE 19805
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