Standing for Life in the First State

Join us as we make abortion unthinkable in Delaware, one heart at a time.

Life Post-Roe

When human life is present, there is a person with moral standing deserving of legal protection.

We are on mission to help the people of Delaware understand this truth.

Recognizing the inherent dignity of human life is foundational to a person’s worldview. It is up to us to have the hard conversations, and share the truth about the evil and violence of abortion.

The government is deciding that not all humans have rights. In contrast, the Bible teaches that people have inherent and unalterable dignity and worth as God’s Image-Bearers (Gen. 1:26-27, Psalm 139:13-14, James 3:9-10). 

It is up to each of us to continue to change hearts and minds, to recognize, affirm, and live by the fact that all people are created equal, endowed by their Creator with the right to life.

Pray for Delaware’s Preborn.

Join a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil at one of Delaware’s abortion clinics. Pray with the team anytime between September 25th and November 3rd.

With a Local
Pregnancy Care Center

Dover, Delaware

New Day Pregnancy Care Center

1991 S State St

Dover, DE 19901


Georgetown, Delaware

Sussex Pregnancy Care Center

5 Burger King Dr

Georgetown, DE


Middletown, Delaware

A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center

316 East Main Street

Middletown, DE 19709


Seaford, Delaware

Her Care Clinic

P.O. Box 1523

Seaford, DE 19973


Wilmington, Delaware

A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center

3407 Lancaster Pike, Suite B

Wilmington, DE 19805



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