There’s a huge lesson here – The landslide election results represent a unified rejection of the Left’s woke ideology – except in Delaware.
Perhaps you’ve already seen the national headlines about Delaware? While the nation raged towards a massive course correction, the voters in Delaware elected Sarah McBride as the first transgender person to serve in the U.S. Congress. Perhaps this photo will help that reality sink in…

Representative Sarah McBride reading a children’s book about trans ideology to a kindergarten class
Yes, that’s Representative elect Sarah McBride, reading a book to kindergarteners to introduce the idea of choosing one’s gender. As a local senator, McBride sponsored policies that promote this dangerous ideology to children, including a bill to allow the state to take custody of children who have barriers to transitioning, like parents!
Just before the election we sent you an email exposing the deeply disturbing, Marxist agenda of the Working Families Party here in Delaware. 9 out of the 11 candidates they endorsed were elected in Delaware’s State house.
In addition, Delaware elected far-left Governor Matt Meyer; Lt. Governor Kyle Evans Gay, who ran on the most radical abortion platform in Delaware history; and the new Speaker of the House, Melissa Minor-Brown.
Here’s some great news:
President-Elect Trump has promised to curb the transgender industry, which profits from the sexualization, experimentation, and mutilation of vulnerable children. Polls show that opposition to men competing in women’s sports contributed heavily to the election results, thanks to Family Policy Councils across the nation!
What’s happening nationally will help us push back and change hearts and minds on the many destructive bills we’re expecting in the 2025 legislative session.
The good news is that we can still block destructive constitutional amendments attempted by this General Assembly BY ONE VOTE.
Ultimately, the agent for moral change in the country is not the government – it is the church.
It is the church’s responsibility to proclaim to the culture the beauty of God’s design for human flourishing, and the destructive consequences for rejecting that design.
The church isn’t a building; it is every Christ follower. We are the church. When we learn and “proclaim” effectively, we are “advancing truth.”
It takes practice.
We must commit to using every evil that comes our way to expose the darkness and advance the truth. That means we need be informed and ready to engage effectively.💪
The good news is this is what DFPC does. We equip people of faith with tools and resources to advance truth wherever they are, especially in Delaware.
The good news is that our prayer teams throughout the state are preparing to cover each elected public servant with prayer every week. Our Church Ambassador Network (CAN) team is present whenever Legislators are in session, as missionaries to the government. Every moment is spent praying, guiding, discipling, ministering to Legislators. We anticipate that 2025 will be the most impactful year yet.
The good news is that you’re not alone in your deep concern for Delaware. There is a growing network of us who are actively engaged, learning and becoming stronger together.
“Daniel answered and said: ‘Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding…’ ” Daniel 2:20-21
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice…” Proverbs 29:2