Exposed: The True Agenda Behind Assisted Suicide!

Every Delawarean should hear the debate over legalized assisted suicide that just happened this week. One legislator – Rep. Kendra Johnson – unwittingly made a profound statement that exposed the true, sinister motive behind legalized assisted suicide.

Many will miss the significance behind her words. Keep reading to find out why her statement was so important.

Rep. Johnson’s comments came in the middle of intense debate. The legislators opposed to assisted suicide spoke and asked questions with an exceptional level of confidence and tenacity. 

Your comments no doubt contributed to that confidence. In less than 24 hours, 377 of you asked your Representative to vote NO on legalized assisted suicide. As one Representative mentioned, contrary to the bill sponsor’s claims, these messages showed that her constituents do NOT want legalized assisted suicide

 What stood out most was the absolutely powerful testimony brought by Dr. Neil Kaye and those who testified after him.🔥 

The “Right to Bodily Autonomy:” Compassionate? Or Cruel?

What did Rep. Johnson say that exposed the entire agenda behind assisted suicide? 

She first connected legalized assisted suicide with abortion, and then said both are necessary for protecting “bodily autonomy.”

Bodily autonomy? Did you catch that?! This is a major, gross violation of fundamental human rights!!


It sends the message that only human beings with autonomy deserve inherent dignity. This is the opposite of compassion. This is cruel!

Consider what this says about those who do not have bodily autonomy. Do they suddenly no longer have human dignity? Are their lives no longer worth living?

There is a reason why no disability group supports legalized assisted suicide!!

This also explains why in Oregon, the state with the oldest assisted suicide statute, loss of “autonomy” and “dignity” are two of the main reasons that individuals choose to take the suicide pills.

Pain is not even one of the top three reasons!

The same death agenda kills individuals at their most vulnerable stages – before birth, and when nearing death.

If we follow this logic, does this mean that we should legalize and promote all suicide, to truly give “autonomy” to everyone? 🤨

Furthermore, assisted suicide doesn’t even guarantee a painless death! In every way, assisted suicide destroys human dignity and devalues human life.

Assisted Suicide: NOT a Painless Death


There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:12

We do NOT have the right to do whatever we want – euphemistically called “bodily autonomy.” We DO have the right to enjoy the life, liberty, and property given to us by our Creator. And we have the responsibility to protect those rights for those who cannot defend themselves. 

God’s design is the ONLY protection for human flourishing. Your messages, the testimonies coordinated by our team, and the questions and comments from legislators – this is how we advance this truth in the hearts and minds of our elected officials.

What happens next?

HB 140 was released from committee, and will be heard next on the House Floor. 

There are many new legislators, legislators on the fence, and legislators who have switched their vote from year to year. They need to hear from their constituents!

The DFPC team is working behind the scenes to equip legislators for the upcoming debate.

The Representatives need to hear from you! Contact ask them today to vote NO on legalized assisted suicide in Delaware.

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