Two months after the end of session, the bill to legalize taxpayer funded abortion in Delaware (HB 110) was finally released to the governor for signature.
HB 110, the bill to legalize taxpayer funded abortion in Delaware, passed both the House and Senate this past session. As of August 28th, the Governor has 10 days to either sign or veto HB 110.
Our government should not be endorsing, prioritizing and funding the killing of children in the womb. Click here to contact the governor’s office, to urge him to VETO taxpayer funded abortion!
We Can’t Compromise on Subsidizing Murder
Some Representatives in the Delaware Republican party, which has traditionally been more pro-life, joined the Democrat Representatives in voting for HB 110. Very few of our state legislators consistently and courageously defend life, without compromise. Click here to see who voted for HB 110.
What’s the solution?
1. Start with your church.
We can’t expect our elected officials to get it right when our churches are silent about this foundational moral issue.
In the late 1800s-early 1900s, when abortion rates began rising in the US before the Roe v. Wade decision, mainstream media was begging an apathetic church to teach their congregations about the value of life! Imagine that!
Let’s learn from the mistakes of previous generations.
Is your church teaching the fundamentals of what it means to be created in God’s Image?
2. Advance truth!
Have the hard conversations about what abortion is and what it does. Educate everyone around you about the humanity of the children being murdered in the womb, and why creating a culture of life helps all of society flourish. Do your part in your sphere of influence.
Click here for resources to equip you for these conversations.
3. Hold your elected officials accountable.
It is not enough to simply have a personal aversion toward abortion. If our elected officials claim to be champions of human rights, then it is their duty as members of our government to “secure the rights” of the most vulnerable among us.
Ask Governor Carney today to do the right thing and veto HB 110!
Advancing Truth,
Nicole Theis
Delaware Family Policy Council